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    [Saturday, December 03, 2005|6:59 AM]
    Last post? Maybe - maybe not!

    Notice how long since I posted here? lolz...

    I'll be transferring all my posts from here to Realityworks - if I have the time that is... Haizzz it seems like this blog is going to be the 'abandoned' blog again for some time! Maybe this will be for like alternate posts... heh. Can't bare to stop using this blog... so I guess I'll have to think about what to do with this blog... got any options go tag them down! But don't ever tag to say I should delete this blog! NEVER!!! <=heh... getting siao siao liaoz!

    But looking at my tagboard.... Aiyo shanai why you tag here never tag at Realityworks? Realityworks is the blog I keep using now liaoz lo... all layouts there made by me. which is why I'm proud of Realityworks. heh... stupid reason right? But I still like MyWorldofWonders better... by a slight mark that is!

    Anyway I'd guess after this post there'd not be any much more posts flooding in like it used to... haizzz......

    Those that bother linking here, add a new link into your linkies will ya? <-my main blog with more detailed updates about everything happenin about my world................


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